lördag 21 november 2009

The Hills - it kills X(

So my sister, not only her but also a few of my friends, have been watching the Hills and the City. I don't really know what I think about it, I wonder if it's for real - or are they acting? I could not act my true self with a bunch of cameras following me all the time.. that's why I'm doubting. There are a few I like and a few I would totally strangle if I ever met them in person. But since I haven't been watching it my judgement is only from what I've seen.

I like Lauren - she seems like a true person, and not some attention whore (like someone else) and she knows what she wants to do, and that is to work in fashion and be a designer -- like me! :D and Lauren is the only one so far that I like :/

I dislike Audrina - I saw an episode where the girls went to Hawaii cuz some boys where there and she slept with one of them -- he had a GF. I hate cheating a lot and people who cheat are on my top 10 of dislikes.

I REALLY dislike Spencer and Heidi - why? they are such attention whores! I can't stand them :x

Are everyone in The Hills rich btw?

Look at us paparazzi~~~ aren't we great people? I mean oops! Honey it's the paparazzi!

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